Things to Do if You’re Bored

A book you can read: The Sound and the Fury

A movie you can see: Children of Men

A game you can play: Mega Man 2

An album you can listen to: OK Computer

A show you can watch: Breaking Bad

An activity you can partake in (with friends): Creating an annoying Youtube video

An activity you can partake in (without friends): Creating an annoying Youtube video

A food you can eat: Enchiladas

A drink you can make: Stim Pack

A skill you can learn: Playing the banjo

A skill you can learn (non-musical): Cooking stuffed bell peppers

A skill you can consider learning over fifteen times in your life and yet never accomplish: Juggling

A topic you can study: The Ottoman Empire

A concept you can ponder: If pain and sorrow were eliminated from the human experience, would life still be worth living?

A thing you can build: Birdhouse

A thing you can build (non-useless): Bookshelf

A word you can learn: Fatuous

A number you can count to: 393

A name you can try to pronounce: Krzysztof Kieslowski

A world record you can try to beat: Most watermelons headbutted in one minute (40)

A fashion trend you can adopt and regret ten years later: Skinny jeans

An item you can (and probably should) buy me: This thing

A Norwegian phrase you can translate: Pikk sjonglør

A random number you can call: (202) 615-9571

A fond memory you can contemplate: That one time at the lake

A comment you can make to someone if you want to receive a nostalgia-filled and slightly embarrassed chuckle in response: “Remember JNCOs?”

A fact you can realize: From the moment you were born there’s been an impossible amount of stuff for you to do, so if you’re “bored” you’re doing something wrong.

A concept you can ponder: If we were all forced to wear skinny jeans and JNCOs, would life still be worth living?

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“4 Police Reports from the Legend of Zelda” Published in Dorkly

I wrote a little article for the Collegehumor-affiliated video game website, which you can find here. It documents a few of Link’s many criminal acts. Check it out.

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Invincibility Potion

A criminal was on death row for twelve years, when finally it was decided that he should be executed. The Warden came in and asked what he wanted for his last meal.

“Invincibility potion,” said the convict.

The Warden shot a glare in his direction. “Don’t try to play games with me, buddy.”

I knew that wouldn’t work, thought the criminal with a sigh. Looks like this is the end. 

The Warden continued, “I asked you what you wanted to eat, and you said ‘invincibility potion.’ That’s clearly a drink. Now I’ll ask you again: what do you want to eat for your final meal?”

The criminal thought about it and said, “T-bone steak and mashed potatoes.”

“Alright, and what to drink?”

“Invincibility potion.”

The Warden wrote it down. “That’s more like it. I can see why you got thrown in here, you reckless bastard.” He turned around and left, muttering, “’What do you want to eat?’ ‘Oh, how about this drink? That’s food, right?’ Jesus Christ in Heaven.”

That night, after his final meal, the criminal jumped out of the top-story window, landed on his back, got up, scaled the electric fence, and disappeared into the woods, all while being shot in the head and attacked by prison dogs. It was almost too easy.

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“The Monkey’s Hand” Published on The Short Humour Site

My flash story, “The Monkey’s Hand: A Fable,” has been published on The Short Humour Site. Read it here. And I’ve added a new Publications page, so people can keep track of all the malevolence I spread throughout the world and try to formulate plans to stop me. But they will never stop me.

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14 Additional Scourges of the Earth

Since the first scourge list only covered a tiny fraction of the total scourges out there, I feel it’s my duty to follow up with more of what is terrible about the world. You’re welcome.

[True fact: I merely pressed my hand on my keyboard by accident and this list compiled itself. Pointing out scourges comes naturally to me.]

21. People who say “might can.” “I might can do it.” If you say this around me, you might can get your teeth kicked in.
22. Warts. When the hell are we going to evolve past warts.
23. Candiru fish
24. Poems/statues/paintings/raps/children’s books about vaginas
25. Whoever keeps sentencing Lindsay Lohan to “X days in prison with the possibility of getting out immediately.” The only obvious punishment at this point is setting her adrift on an ice floe.
26. Nipple rings, specifically men who have them
27. Hipsters who disown their favorite things once those things reach a certain level of popularity, revealing said hipsters to be nothing more than social whores whose only security in life is to have others accept the fake personalities they’ve crammed into the empty cavities that once contained their souls
28. Vagazzling
29. Uppity college kids
30. People who have done literally nothing with their lives, yet somehow have the audacity to sit around the house complaining that they’re “bored”
31. Crocs. I know I’m two years late but I still feel ashamed to be part of the same species that wore Crocs. I’ll never let you live it down, humanity.
32. Anyone who claims Hunter S. Thompson as a favorite author without having read any of his books
33. Osama Bin Laden

Scourge Boss (lvl. 53, HP 99,000):

34. The Kardashians, and whoever won’t help me strangle the Kardashians, because as bad as these vortexes of vapidity and brain damage are by themselves, anyone who voluntarily has anything to do with them – and is not researching how to avert the potential collapse of Western civilization – is only fostering the problem.

And there we go. That brings the total up to a nice 34 documented blights on the planet. Be sure to do your part in eliminating these menaces; for instance, if you see anyone with a wart, pay to have it removed, and if you see a man wearing Crocs, pay to “have him removed” (as in, from existence). But I know reminding people about all the things they should hate isn’t a very cheerful topic, so again, I have compiled an equally long list of things we have to be thankful for.

3. Roundhouse kicks
4. Castlevania III

Ahhh. Don’t you feel refreshed after reading that? There truly is equilibrium between bad and good.

Just remember what I always say: “Be Worry, Don’t Happy.”

Candiru image source.

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Rick and the Unihorn

One day a unicorn was on his smoke break when he said to his friend, a leprechaun, “Why am I called a ‘unicorn’?”

The leprechaun took a puff from his cigarette. “What?”

“Why am I called a ‘unicorn’?” he repeated.

The leprechaun regarded his friend with curiosity. “Well, it’s obvious, isn’t it? Because ‘uni-‘ means ‘one,’ and you have one, uh …”

“What? One corn? Why am I not called a ‘unihorn‘?”

“I never thought about that. Huh. Maybe whoever named you was going for irony?”

“What’s ironic about having a horn and calling it a corn? That’s idiotic.”

“I’m just throwing stuff out there. I didn’t name you.”

“Come to think of it,” said the unicorn, “why are you called a ‘leprechaun’? Where the hell did that word come from? Are you a leper?”

The leprechaun looked at his arms. “Dear God I hope not.” He looked up and said, “Do you think I’m a leper?”

“I’m just throwing stuff out there.”

Still examining his skin for rotting patches, the leprechaun said, “We could always look it up online.”

The unicorn held up one leg. “Hooves. Can’t type.”

“How are you holding a cigarette, then?”

“Nevermind that. Why don’t you look it up?”

“I’m afraid if I leave my pot of gold, someone might steal it.”

The unicorn nodded. “Fair point. It wouldn’t be hard to find, considering you keep at the end of a rainbow at all times. Anyway.” The unicorn tossed his cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it with a hoof. “I’ve gotta get back to work now. But hey, call me ‘Unihorn’ from now on. None of this ‘corn’ shit.”

“Okay. And you can call me Rick.”


“Because I always wanted to be called Rick.”

So Rick and the unihorn got back to their day jobs, which involved pretending not to be real. They called each other by their new names for a little while, but eventually it all started to feel forced and so they dropped them.

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A Debate with a Man Who is Just Realizing that He is on Fire

Me: Is it really such a big deal that people immigrate into the country illegally? I wonder. What is a country, after all, but a vast group of like-minded individuals coexisting in a single social structure? Should being born within one set of borders keep us permanently loyal to them? Is that not the very antithesis of freedom?

Opponent: I smell smoke.

Me: Trust me, I’m not just blowing smoke here. I’ve done my research, and I just can’t see what everyone’s so worried about. Losing jobs? You won’t have to worry about that unless you’re a janitor, and even then—

Opponent: Something’s definitely burning. And why I am I sweating all of a sudden?

Me: Please don’t interrupt. We each will have our say, and the other can counter the argument when it is his turn. Now as I was—

Opponent: Oh my GOD I’M ON FIRE!

Me: What? This debate just started and you’ve barely said anything! You’re hardly ‘on fire.’ Get over yourself. Now, tell me what you think about anchor babies.


Me: Oh, that’s just like you Republicans, thinking all our problems can be solved by deportation. I’ll have you know that our ancestors were immigrants themselves! Would you put them out?

Opponent: PUT ME OUT!

Me: You? Are you an illegal immigrant? Then you of all people should know—


Me: Wooaah buddy, I don’t exactly see you protesting in the streets. What an ad hominem approach! You are quickly losing this debate, sir.


Me: “Drop” … “Roll” …  Is that drug lingo? Are you calling me a hippie? Oh, I see. You’re referring to a potential rise in narcotics traffic if immigration becomes too rampant. Interesting point, but where’s your evidence? And stand up, please. This is a debate.


Me: I … I’m afraid I can’t read you. “Not working” … Are you talking about unemployment benefits being undeserved? And then something about worldwide thirst? Clarify please.


Me: And now the ethics of using torture? You certainly are eclectic in your views, but we won’t reach any kind of understanding if you keep introducing new topics. Let’s keep it simple. What are your thoughts on the death penalty?

Opponent: *Is now just a smoking carcass in the middle of the floor*

Me: Silence. Typical. Don’t worry: You’re by far not the first person I’ve destroyed in a debate.

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20 Scourges of the Earth

A scourge is something that causes misery or death. They come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and they vacillate between levels of intensity, or “scourginess” — i.e., one person’s Newt Gingrich is another person’s Black Plague (although that comparison is a little unfair to the Black Plague).

Gingrich, pictured here announcing his 2012 presidential campaign to a passing cargo ship

The only sure thing is that there are a whole bunch of them, from the huge scourges (“It’s raining nuclear missiles!”) to the negligible (“It’s raining number-two pencils!”). And since the gigantic scourges are so prominent, the little scourges are often overlooked. So here, in a convenient list form, are twenty scourges of varying scourginess that I feel could potentially destroy the planet if left to their own devices.

[True fact: I thought up, and typed, everything on this list in only four seconds.]

1. Botflies
2. Ebola
3. The word “blog”
4. People who say “sorry, I couldn’t resist” after making a convenient but very unfunny joke (Me: “I ate at Subway earlier.” Some rube: “Eat fresh! Haha sorry, I couldn’t resist!” Me: *Rips jawbone out of rube’s face*)
5. 24-hour news stations
6. World hunger
7. World fatness
8. Skinny jeans, Ugg boots, and any other piece of fashion retardation you automatons feel the need to scar my eyes with at all times
9. Anything Rupert Murdoch has ever touched, breathed on, or looked at mischievously
10. People who call things “plain Jane” when “plain” would suffice (Rube: “Yeah, my friend Sharla wears Ugg boots, but my shoes tend to be a little more plain Jane.” Me: *Takes jawbone from last rube and jams it into brain of current one*)
11. Facebook. No, seriously. It’s making you a worse person.
12. The Westboro Baptist Church
13. The soul-crushing, humanity-devaluating sham that is life in the Internet Age
14. Butterfly tattoos
15. Everything in Australia except koalas and the Opera House
16. Whoever keeps giving a shit about celebrities’ clothes at awards ceremonies (I’ve never met you, but apparently you’re out there)
17. Eh, let’s say Nazis
18. Anyone who has impersonated Quagmire from Family Guy more than twice (yes, that means you)
19. Our war-hungry alternate dimension counterparts
20. People with perfect vision who wear glasses “ironically.” These people deserve their own post, really, as they are in a league of scourginess Ebola couldn’t hope to achieve.

There. Twenty things that should be destroyed, immediately and without question. Then we’ll only have 199,000+ crappy things to deal with (all of which will, of course, be listed in future posts).

But perhaps I’m being a bit unfair. I know that not everything is terrible; life is actually pretty nice once you learn to appreciate the right things, those little pleasures all around us that we don’t always acknowledge. So here is a list of all the things that I feel hold the salvation for humankind — that is, things that make life on Earth the beautiful, majestic wonder that it is.

1. Punching a face
2. Coffee

Ah, that felt good. You see? There are just as many pleasures in life as there are annoyances. You just have to be optimistic. “Life is an order of french fries,” as I never say. “It’s rough and salty and teenagers are always spitting on mine.”

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Australia, and Other Bad Ideas

Meanwhile, as Japan is still afflicted with various crises as a result of its endless natural disasters, Australia continues to be a natural disaster in itself — or, if not a disaster, the world’s most buzzkilliest country behind Uzbekistan — by banning the new Mortal Kombat game and threatening anyone importing it with a maximum $110,000 fine. Part of Australia’s “Because I Said So” crackdown on fun, the ban was the country’s ninety-eighth of the week, following the prohibition of roller skates, key chains, water slides, dancing, and “anything that glitters or shines in any way.”

Said Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Monday, “I have no idea what a ‘Sporty Wombat’ is, but it sounds awesome. Ban it immediately.”

A senator, pictured here announcing Australia's new legislation to the public.

If I can address an entire country via blog post for a second: Seriously, Australia? We stopped trying to ban Mortal Kombat in the early nineties. Keep up with the times, will you? And stop acting like a man ripping another man’s spinal cord through the back of his neck is somehow damaging to your society, when most of you walk into your kitchens every morning and see crap like this:


Then again, I guess I can expect nothing more from a country whose citizens are the descendants of criminals excommunicated from the same country that is now giving us: THE 29-YEAR-OLD GRANDMA. Like the 79-year-old grandma, only instead of baking cookies and going to church, she drinks whiskey and sobs over what could have been.

As Tupac Shakur once said: “Fuck the world.” He was truly the Aristotle of his time.

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If you watch TV you might have noticed that Japan has just gone through something of an issue. An incident. A snag. Namely, the largest recorded earthquake in the history of the country.

[Note: this post promises to be both self-serving and sentimental, and will do little good other than alleviating the author’s own sense of unhappiness at the fact that, of all the places for a deadly earthquake to strike, it had to occur right underneath the very country that gave him Super Mario Bros. 3. Read only if you like rambling drivel.]

It’s always a big deal when shit like this happens — and by “shit” I mean “random events of horrifying unpredictability that lead you to question the idea of a benevolent god” — but watching the news these past few days made me realize that most people don’t understand why it’s a big deal. Think about Haiti last year. How much did it matter to the acquaintances in your daily life that innocent people in a far-off land were being bitch-slapped by the Richter scale? If your acquaintances are anything like mine, you probably got a lot of “Yes, it’s so sad,” followed by some head shakes and an immediate segue into the new thing Miley Cyrus did to disappoint her father. As it turns out, it’s hard for most people to see others as actual human beings unless they are within the convenient proximity, as lightly evidenced by a CNN anchor saying the other day, “At least two-hundred people have been killed in the earthquake. No word yet on whether any of them were American.” Or this L.A. Times article that gives us breaking news that — gasp! — Laguna Beach has not been damaged. Thank heavens. Deaths in Japan are one thing, but I can’t even imagine the horrors of losing our massive Orange County douchebag surplus.

Oh the humanity!

I get it, and I would be a hypocrite to say it never happened to me. When we see something about an unfamiliar country reported on the news — even if it involves a borderline-apocalyptic natural disaster — there’s just something in the human brain that turns the whole thing into an afternoon soap opera, whereas if we were to see the repercussions up close, the majority of us would be so shocked by the reality of the situation that what we used to think was the most depressing thing we’d ever seen wouldn’t even register in our minds. So I’ll just move on and save my war on human nature for another day, because that’s really not what this post is about.

The truth is that this earthquake affects me more than usual, even without Laguna Beach being involved.

If there are ten things that I enjoy in life (which is stretching it), at least half of them come from Japan. I know this is a particularly nerdy thing to say, and not only that, it’s apparently a very white thing to say, but Japan played a large part in raising me, as well as my entire generation. One of my first memories is of getting a Super Nintendo for my fourth birthday — which was of course Japanese (the Nintendo, not the birthday) — which I hooked up to my television — which was also Japanese — to the ire of my mother — who probably isn’t Japanese, but no one specifically told me she isn’t, so who knows. My mind is inundated with experiences with Japanese TV shows and video games and action figures from my younger, more impressionable years, and as I’ve grown older I’ve discovered a passion for Japanese literature, food, technology, movies, language, art, and overall culture. It’s like my “cool uncle who has that bulldozer and lets me drive it” country.

Besides that, my early vulnerability to the Japanese elements played an inestimable role in my formation as a writer, which I’d say is (negatively) reflected in my work. Africa may have seen the birth of humanity, and I guess renaissance-era Europe saw humanity’s college years, but Japan is humanity’s “psychedelic enlightenment” phase, where it experiments with all sorts of bizarre things that include used panty machines, samurai Obama action figures, and wasp crackers.


The place is so Alice in Wonderland-ish that just imagining the typical grandparents being accidentally stranded there while trying to get to Barbados for vacation is the epitome of hilarity. (As a side note, I’ve decided to write a screenplay about just that scenario. It’ll be called Konnichi-Wha? and it will star Steve Martin and Glenn Close as two Orlando retirees who become the victims of a ticket mix-up [“A tix-up,” Steve Martin will hilariously suggest] and end up traveling the land of the rising sun as they try to find a way back home. Details are in the preliminary stages, but look forward to at least 55 minutes of on-screen usage of a sumo suit and the line “Wasabi? Wassup you?” a minimum of eight times. I’ll let you know how it worked out when I’m a gazillionaire.)

Anyway, not to bore you with glorification of the country that came up with urinal-based video games, but just know that I became the person I am by exposing myself to the mindset of such a country, and as Japan has refused multiple times to give me reparations, the only stance to take is “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.” And it seems like a wicked awesome place, anyway. I mean, just look up “Japan” on Google Images and you’ll be treated by some of the coolest pictures you’ll ever see.

And a few others.

I’ve been rambling for the past 1000 words, so I’ll try to make my point now: this sucks. The things that are near and dear to the lump of coal I painted red and called a heart are few, and they include: my lungs, novelty coffee mugs, my Death Ray (in the works), friends and family or whatever, and the very place that taught me that nothing makes sense and you should just go with it. And now that place has been attacked by nature, which has led to what some sources say might exceed 10,000 deaths, numerous nuclear meltdown and radiation scares, a countless number of people without homes, food, and/or water, and a blow to the global economy that, hey, nobody really needs right now. I think you will agree when I say that nature needs to fuck off.

And although I can’t seem to go three sentences without making a mockery of whatever the hell I’m talking about, I do sincerely wish the best for the families involved in this catastrophe. Japan, if you’re reading this (and I know you are): get well soon, and, because I know sarcasm doesn’t translate well over the internet, I was totally kidding about that movie idea.

Also, I’ll eat a whole box of wasp crackers if you send me a 3DS.

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